Thursday, 17 November 2011

Emryo a go go!

On the Saturday morning (12th November) we then received a phone call to say that of the twelve eggs, six were mature enough for sperm injection but only four had fertilised. I was very disappointed, twelve to four overnight! This made me feel very negative and ready to give up as I knew the chances of getting any through genetic testing was rapidly diminishing. We had to wait until Monday for the next communication. The embryologist rang to say that all four had continued to grow to the required number of cells so could all be tested but that we would not get the results until Tuesday afternoon - another torturous wait! Tuesday was very nerve racking, I was feeling sick by the time that Dan took the call from the Embryologist. Unfortunately, only one of the four was suitable for embryo transfer but that was all we needed; I was happy with that although disappointed that we didn't have any to freeze. We knew from this point on that we truly had one shot and that all our hopes rested on the non-existent shoulders of one tiny embryo. We travelled back down to London again ready for embryo transfer which had now been re-arranged for 2:30pm on Wednesday 16th November. I was asked to come with a full bladder; not difficult when drinking three litres of water a day! When we arrived at Guy's hospital we were told that there was a twenty minute delay and to continue sipping water. After fifty minutes I was ready to burst but we were finally called through to the room where we were both dressed up in strange coats, shoe covers and hair nets (like Gregg's bakers Dan decided). I was then stripped from the waist, laid on a bed with stirrups and scanned by a nurse whilst the consultant put a catheter in place. The embryologist then removed our embryo from the incubater and we were able to watch on the screen as it was put in the correct place. It was all over really quickly! We were then able to go home and relax. Nothing we can do now apart from cross our fingers and wait!

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